How to create effective goals in 2023

Everyone is full of hope at the idea of exercising or losing weight when the New Year rolls around. Find out how you can stick to your fitness related resolutions & goals for 2023 in this blog!
Decathlon Ireland
September 20, 2023

While new year's resolutions will be a popular topic in January, they are not always followed by reality. Everyone is full of hope at the idea of exercising or losing weight, but the willpower often isn't there. Find out how you can keep to your fitness related resolution in this blog!

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Start exercising, lose weight, stop smoking ... These and many more are almost always heard as January 1st rolls around. In the search for a healthier lifestyle and a fresh start with a new year, everyone feels ready to nail down on their efforts to get in shape

However, the reality is often a very different story. Few actually manage to achieve their fitness/sports resolutions. Why is this? On the surface, it seems that a lack of willpower is largely responsible, or simply that the goals you’ve set are unrealistic for the long-term. The examples above are the most generic New Years Resolutions that sound achievable in the outset, but we know why too many will fail to reach their goals  for 2023 with targets like these.


It doesn’t have to be difficult, there are actually strategies and methods for creating goals that will help you establish goals that you can stick to and achieve. Keep reading for our advice on how to actually achieve your goals in 2023.


So many people shoot for the moon, and barely even land in the stars. But why? Aiming for the impossible accomplishes nothing. In fact, it's the quickest way to get discouraged and give up. To stick to your resolutions and stay motivated, set yourself realistic goals that are based on your own physical condition and lifestyle. 

For example: If you want to lose weight, don't expect to lose more than 2 kg a month—that's already good progress in itself! You want to have realistic goals so that you can celebrate small milestones along the way. Saying “Lose weight” is the wrong approach because as we said above, you will very quickly get discouraged if you don’t see the scales moving.

Always keep in mind that whatever your goal may be, you won't see immediate results. Work towards your goal slowly and steadily, and don't skip steps. Stay focused on the great reward that awaits you if you persevere!


Has exercising or sports always been a chore? Have you just never found the right activity, the one that you can perform without counting the minutes going by? To rediscover the joys of being active, start by finding out which fitness/sports activities are available and accessible to you. This will give you a better understanding of your expectations and help you meet your goals. Doing something you enjoy will help you stay motivated and stick to your resolutions.

Tip: If you haven’t found a form of exercise that you enjoy, it might be because you’re doing it alone in a gym or at home. Try something new and go to a group class, you will open yourself up to new social groups and it’s always easier to stay accountable in a pair or group. 


To start working out again (this time for good!) it's a good idea to seek the help of professionals. At the gym, avail yourself of the advice of a fitness coach or personal trainer who can help you plan your fitness regime. There's nothing better than a personal fitness analysis to ask the right questions and get a rundown on your physical condition. Drawing on the help of others will give you everything you need to start working out effectively and reach your goal more quickly.

The New Year is also a great time to consult your doctor for a check up on your bloods and overall health. You’re starting fresh so why not see if you have any deficiencies that you can supplement or ensure that your knee pain isn’t something inhibiting you from reaching your goals.

Not in the position for a coach? As we mentioned already, grab a friend that will help hold you accountable. You might even find a friend with similar goals and you can help motivate each other and work together!


"I don't have time" ... is that something you've been hearing yourself say? To stick to your fitness resolutions, you will have to make time — it’s just that simple. As much as possible try to incorporate fitness/sports into your weekly schedule. Morning, noon or night, any time is a good time. 

Tip: If you do have a busy lifestyle, jump back up to number 1 and remember that you are setting these goals for yourself, make your goals realistic if you want them to be achievable. Perhaps you want to “Work out more in 2023” and let’s say you currently only make time to exercise once a week for 60 minutes. In the New Year, you could try to commit to 2x 45 minute sessions per week. You are working out more, but it is a lot more tangible, right? 


Ok, you're now ready to do your chosen activity or exercise (or task if this is a non-fitness related goal), and you've agreed to block off time for it each week or month. Next, you need to create a schedule to incorporate this new habit into your calendar. 

Tip: If you set up a notification on your phone’s calendar or an alarm, you will be right on track. Don’t let yourself “forget”.



As often as possible, think positively about your resolutions in order to stick to them over time. Looking at things positively is vital to staying motivated. It’s obvious that you are making these goals for yourself because you would like to achieve them; but remind yourself that you are also benefiting by improving your overall health, both physical and mental. Your mindset is of utmost importance: take pleasure in what you do, without worrying about what results others are getting. Think about yourself and your own sense of well-being first and foremost. You'll find that getting the results you want will come much easier this way.

So now you have our tips that will help you stay motivated as the year begins. So go ahead and dive into 2023, which will hopefully be your most successful year yet!

In some need of new gear for the New Year? We have fitness clothing, equipment and footwear for over 70 sports, so regardless of your goals, we can help you reach them.

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